
How to start an online ecommerce business?

Ecommerce is the most used keyword in present days. Basically, it is the short-term Electronic Commerce and it comes with a variation of the much-known brick and mortar type business. E Commerce is an online platform where anyone can make business and the most interesting thing is ecommerce business is a worldwide business platform. That means you can run your business with products wherever you want. That’s why ecommerce businesses need much more research, explanation and strategy before they start. And you are here to know how to start an online ecommerce business. Okay, in this article, I will try to explain from first to last about an ecommerce business. So, let’s start,

Before starting an online business, you must need to have a clear plan and strategy to run it successfully. Because, there are so many entrepreneurs trying hard to make a permanent place in an online platform. So, it is quite hard for the newer one to get orders and get connected with the customers for the first time. That’s why, I told you that you need a clear plan and strategy through which you can go. I am showing some important ecommerce business points that will help you a lot when you are a first timer in this sector. Hope you will enjoy this,

Check out all those ecommerce business models

There are various kinds of ecommerce business types that one can start any of them what they like. You will need to familiarize yourself with all those ecommerce business model types before you start your own. For your kind information, I would like to present that all the types of ecommerce business so that you can easily make the decision of which one you should go for,

B2B: Business to Business ecommerce

When a business organizes and provides products to another business company, then it is called business to business ecommerce. You will find many businesses in this niche like software companies, office furniture and supply companies, document hosting companies, and numerous other ecommerce business models under this heading. Many business companies don’t want to express themselves as B2B because they don’t know that they are already selling B2B products. Selling B2B is a variety of things, including:

  • Distribution relationships with large or chain retailers.
  • Selling to organizations.
  • Suppliers selling to resellers.

B2C: Business to Consumer e commerce

It is the most common type of ecommerce business and we most commonly see it. when people directly buy or order something from online or store, they are in the process of business to consumer e commerce. Actually, we are surrounded by business to consumer e commerce systems. Without any middleman, business to consumers typically used to refer to online retailers who sell products and services to consumers through the internet.

C2C: Consumer to Consumer e commerce

Though we are accustomed to seeing B2B or B2C, the idea of C2C is different. Consumer to consumer e commerce is one consumer is selling goods or services to another consumer. This system is usually organized by a third-party site that helps take care of the details of the transaction, usually referred to as a marketplace.

C2B: Consumer to Business ecommerce

I would like to tell it a different business system as it comes from the consumer side having a large power by the help of the internet to their hands. In this system, the customer is an individual who has something to offer. This can be broken down into goods or services. For example, someone who is a public figure online, can offer a service by showing the latest product. Also, someone who is handy in photography might sell his/her photographs as stock photos for businesses. Another great example of B2C is Upwork, it was the first B2C model where consumers can post their services and interested businesses can answer with bid proposals.

Pick your ecommerce niche

Niche is simply your place in a larger market that can be defined by your own unique needs, preferences or identity that makes you different from the market at large. Some of the most common ways to define a niche are based on:

  • Price (high, moderate, discount)
  • Demographic base (gender, age, income level, education level)
  • Level of quality (premium, high, moderate, low, cheap)
  • Psychographics (values, interest, attitudes)
  • Geographic (the buyer’s precise location)

Choose your products to sell

When you have identified a niche and business model, you might be tempted to start haunting for products to sell. Try to start with seasonal products which are growing in the ecommerce platform. But you also keep an eye in the marketplace because there are so many competitors who may have come with the same products. Competition validates the market and ensures that there is money to be made in the niche. Sometimes it comes as the most challenging part of starting an online business when you are going to choose products to sell. Although it takes two times to choose products but as soon as you choose it the next step is gather your products from all those locations. Your product or service doesn’t necessarily need to be a huge, complicated endeavor- it can be quite simple, yet exceptionally effective.

Pick an ecommerce platform

If you still don’t choose an ecommerce platform to sell your product, then none of the above matters in your progress. Simply saying, an ecommerce platform is the operating system of your online store. So, choosing the best platform for your ecommerce store is as important as your whole business. There are so many platforms are available to make the task easy and you might familiar with some of them such as Shopify, BigCommerce, Squarespace, Square online store, wix etc. before making an exact decision to go through, you need to research all of them and then choose which of them is suits you best. Although setting up your online store is much more than adding products or services. You also need to get your email marketing and automation set up as well.

Attracting customers to your ecommerce store

You need to market your store because there is no permanent chance that can give traffic into your website. You may launch your website to do business online and you also may have visitors in your site but if they don’t make any purchase then all your hard work will be in vain. You have invested a lot of money into your website but if you don’t have the knowledge of how to increase traffic in your website, then you can’t earn through this. How can you attract customers to your website? Here I gathered some options which might come helpful to you-

  • Social media marketing
  • Google ads
  • Write and submit guest posts
  • Ask for product reviews
  • Run a contest with your products
  • Sponsor an event

Pay attention to your outlook

You may also need to work with beautiful graphics and images to make your website beautiful and eye-catching. Think someone entered into your website and there is nothing to hold the visitors into it, do they spend any time into this? Of course, no, in online business, you don’t have the chance to communicate with your customer directly. If your product’s image has the ability to allure strangers who have come in your website, then they will make the decision to purchase something. To increase the beauty of your website, you might follow these simple steps,

  • By visual graphic design and images.
  • Make a clipping path to product images.
  • Using a clear white background for products.